Since my last post on body weight (Excel Templates for Body Weight Records) I have continued to try and lose weight. Well slowly but surely my weight is reducing and I have my latest graph to demonstrate it below (select it to enlarge it):
I have struggled to lose 35 pounds (2½ stones) over a 10 year period. I recall saying I wanted to retire at the correct weight, but that never happened. Well I’m nearly there so I hope those struggling to lose weight can gain some cheer from this article.
Weight Loss Graph Data
Key to the bars & curve on the graph:
Actual Weight – measured daily
Estimated Weight – e.g. when away from home
Weight After Events – meals that cause me to put on weight overnight
28 day rolling average curve (visible when enlarged) – average of weight on any day and the previous 27 days
Graph Axis:
X-axis: This is divided into days commencing at 01/01/2015 and ending on 31/12/2015.
Y-axis: This is divided into pounds with target markers at half stone intervals commencing at 161 pounds (11½ stones) and rising to 196 pounds (14 stones).
The Rate At Which My Weight Is Reducing:
From the 28 day rolling average curve on the graph my current rate of weight loss is roughly 1¼ pounds per fortnight as it was earlier in the year.
My Weight Is Reducing Because:
- I am exercising regularly (7 days per week);
- I am eating the right food;
- I have reduced my alcohol intake;
- I have cut out roughly 50% of my breakfasts.
Why my Weight Is Reducing – The Detail
1. I am exercising regularly
Since I acquired Leo my border collie I have taken him walking for ¾ of an hour in the morning and 1¼ hours in the afternoon. The morning walk requires me to throw a tennis ball with the aid of a ball sling giving me some upper body exercise as well as lower body exercise (walking). Dogs have to be walked seven days per week and I take him on holiday so I don’t get many breaks from it.
I also have DIY projects from time to time such as painting and wallpapering. That involves climbing steps and getting down to floor level.
2. I am eating the right food
My wife has her body weight well checked and has done for some years since she went on a Weight Watchers course. She is a good cook and knowledgeable about food. So I get to eat plenty of good enjoyable food. Although I’m inclined to overindulge I listen to her advice about calorie consumption. I also enjoy salads which we have all year round. They are very varied, not just lettuce and tomato.
3. I have reduced my alcohol intake
I don’t consider myself a big drinker. I am the family driver so I have to abstain whenever I go out for a meal. I confine myself to soft drinks, usually diet coke.
Drinking red wine with my evening meal has been fairly common in recent years, so that is what I have cut down on.
4. I have cut out roughly 50% of my breakfasts
This may seem unusual but I have cut out breakfast for roughly 50% of the week. Before I started doing that I rose at about 06:00 and had a cereal breakfast, including milk, almost immediately while reading the news on my computer. I find that if I leave it out I can get to 08:00 or 09:00 without noticing the time passing. I then take my dog for his walk. By the time I return home the day has moved on and I find I haven’t missed my breakfast. So I wait until lunch time to eat.
I could reduce each day’s breakfast by 50% but I feel hungry if I don’t have the full amount. I find it easier to go without. I think it’s a matter over mind issue.
I understand breakfast is considered the best meal of the day and people are advised to always have one. Well when I reach my desired weight I too will be having a regular breakfast again. I miss it out because it has many calories. I only have bran based cereals or muesli with milk which dosn’t require any added sugar but it’s loaded with calories.
Where Am I Heading
I am heading for at most 174 pounds (just under 12½ stones) and a BMI of 25. That will take me to the boundary between healthy weight and overweight. After that it’s all downhill towards 167 pounds (just under 12 stones) and a BMI of 24, a healthy position. Today I weighed 177¾ pounds with a BMI of 25.5.
Calculating Body Mass Index (BMI)
Below is a BMI chart where the numbers in the coloured squares show the Body Mass Index calculated from the weights shown on the X-axis along the top and heights shown on the Y-axis down the left side using the formulae:
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