This article describes the procedure used to obtain your data saved on this site in accordance with the EU’s GDPR.
List and Order of Processes
- The owner of the data must request a copy of their data held on this site and advise the administrator, by email, of the email address from which the comment was originally sent.
- The site administrator will add the email address used by the commentator to the Export Personal Data list. This process will send a confirmation request to the commentator at that email address.
- If they confirm the request the administrator will email the commentator a link from which they can pick up the data within a specified period. Else the request will not be completed.
- When the commentator receives the email they will find it contains a link to a zip file. The zip file contains an ‘index.html’ file which will display in a browser. That ‘index.html’ file will show tables of the commentator’s data.
NOTE: If the commentator has no data on the site only the following data will be displayed:
- the commentator’s email address,
- the name of the site on which the comment was placed,
- the URL of the site on which the comment was placed,
- the Date and Time when the data was displayed.
If there is commentator’s data on the site it will be displayed in tables after the data listed above.