Euro Banknote Issuing Country

Euro Banknote Issuing Country Codes


The Euro crisis has caused some people to be concerned as to who is the Euro Banknote Issuing Country for the banknotes that they hold. The concept being that if a country in the Euro-zone goes belly up its notes will lose considerable value while the notes of the other Euro-zone countries will maintain their value. This situation is encouraging some people to hold onto the notes issued in certain countries while ditching (spending quickly or returning them to the bank) notes from certain other countries.

Table of Euro Banknote Issuing Country Codes

So according to Wikipedia this table relates the serial number prefix on Euro Banknotes to the country that issued them (see the notes below where codes are in parenthesis):

Euro Banknote Issuing Country


There aren’t any notes prefixed with the letters in the notes below.

  1. W, K and J are reserved for countries that are not yet in the Euro-zone.
  2. R is reserved for a state that doesn’t currently issue Euro Notes but is in the Euro-zone.


  1. The following example is a 5 EURO note from The Netherlands: P22280693815.
  2. The following example is a 10 EURO note from Germany: X73209895409.



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