My wife’s wrist watch stopped working a few days ago. The problem was, of course, a flat battery. This led me to write about changing a watch battery using my wife’s watch as an example.
I began by popping onto the Internet and ordering four, from JewelleryForAll on the Amazon Marketplace, @ 45p each with free p+p. They arrived on 14th Jan 2012. A little late I thought since they were ordered on 3rd Jan 2012, but never mind they were cheap enough.
How I Changed The Battery In A Sekonda Quartz Watch

The description here refers particularly to changing a watch battery in the watch shown above.
The Battery I Used
The new watch battery came in a package like this:

When extracted it looks like this on the +ve side, the side which faces up in the watch. The colour is of course silver but this image allows the engraved text to be seen:

This shows the -ve side, the side which faces down in the watch:

As of January 2019 this type of battery can still be obtained from: e.g. Battery Station.
Opening The Back of The Watch
The picture below shows the watch open. The back was easily prised off with a penknife. (I remember when I had a penknife with a special blade curved and not sharp especially to remove watch backs.) The watch back has a notch at one end so you can get a blade under it.
Removing The Old Battery
For this I had to get out my watchmaker’s screwdrivers shown below:

These are the type of screwdrivers made for the small screws found in watches. They have a loose rotating knob on the end which allows them to be pressed down onto a screw with one finger while the others (gripping the splined sides) are used to rotate it.
To take the battery out I had to loosen two screws A & B (see below). I found with this watch I don’t need to remove them, loosening will do. Having loosened them I can prise the old battery out and pop the new one in. If the screws are loosened too much and are at the ends of their threads they could ping out and be gone when I apply force to leaver out the battery.

Inserting The New Battery
The next image shows how to insert the new battery. It is best not to contaminate the surface with muck and sweat from the fingers (that can lead to bad electrical connections due to oxidation and corrosion of metalic contacts over time).
I held the battery with tweezers but I had to be very careful not to short out the battery by holding the battery the easy way so that one prong of the tweezers grips the +ve side while the other is touching the -ve side. Instead the battery must be held around the circumference so that both prongs are in contact with the +ve side.
The edge of the battery just has to be popped under the lip C and then pressed down. The battery and back of the watch can be covered with a piece of polythene bag while pressing in order to protect from finger dirt. After the battery is inserted the screws A & B (see below) must be tightened.
NOTE: ❝Not sure that it is necessary to loosen screws. The locking arm near screw B is sprung. At its end by screw B is a hole. inserting a very slender screwdriver into the hole, the arm can be pulled clear of the edge of the battery space and the battery drops in. Hopes this helps.❞ ―

Checking It Works After Changing A Watch Battery
Before closing the back after changing a watch battery check the watch works with the new battery installed. Do this by:
- putting the watch close to an ear to listen if it’s ticking,
- waiting and watching to see if the minute finger moves,
- watching the gears (which move faster than the minute finger) to see if they are rotating.
Below is a video of this watch movement in action. To get the best view of the gears moving you should try viewing it in Full Screen mode. Because the gears move in staccato fashion it’s not easy to tell if they are moving.
Closing The Back After Changing A Watch Battery
The back of this watch has a thin delicate rubber sealing ring to keep dirt and moisture out. If this drops off the back while handling it be very careful not to cut through it when putting it back on the flange.
To replace the back check that the slot for the adjustment spindle aligns with the spindle connecting to the adjusting knob. Gently press it on and squeeze the back onto the watch with finger and thumb until it snaps in place. This is when care must be taken to ensure that the sealing ring is not out of place.

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