Netricity Ethernet Bridge Adapter Failed After 13 Months


Panic set in last night when I couldn’t access the Internet. Eventually I tried my laptop after checking the lights on my Home Hub and reset it a few times. That worked O.K. and in the end I deduced my power-line network had failed. It turned out that a Netricity Powerline 500M Ethernet Bridge Adapter Failed. The one connected to the PC had green lights on it suggesting it was hunting for the other adapter. The one at the router had some red lights on it. I unplugged it and went to bed. When I got up and tried it this morning the lights on the faulty one wouldn’t light  in any colour. So that was the end of my Netricity (economically priced) power-line network. I had kept the receipt but, guess what, it was 13 months old so out of guarantee by one month, typical.

Getting A Replacement

So by 09:10 I was in the local technology store, Maplin – where I got the original from, to get a replacement. I had looked one up before I went. I settled on a Delovo “dLAN 500AVplus” having previously been happy with the 500Mbps technology of the Netricity devices. Here is the Devolo website.

Well I am happy again now and to some degree the working Netricity bridge adapter is compatible with the Delovo bridge adapters. However I can’t seem to control it from the Delovo Cockpit. One of the benefits of the new adapter is the mains socket reappears on the front so that it can be used for something else. The manufacturer recommends plugging the router or PC into this because they have built in a filter (HF I presume) to reduce interference.

Here is the new adapter below:

Devolo 500Mbps Powerline Adapter
Devolo 500Mbps Power-line Adapter



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