Fourteen Calendar Table

Select Any Year From This Fourteen Calendar Table

There are fourteen different calendars required to make calendars for all years. Below is a Fourteen Calendar Table with all fourteen calendars labelled A to N. It shows for example:

  • which years have the 1st January falling on Mondays when they are NOT Leap Years, e.g. 2001, 2007 and 2018. These require Calendar (CAL) A.
  • which years have the 1st January falling on Mondays when they are Leap Years, e.g. 2024, 2052 and 2080. These require Calendar (CAL) H.

So that the table is compact the years listed for Calendars A to G are grouped into 4 x 21 cell bundles and a 22 cell bundle. For the most part each bundle has the years in numerical order from top left to bottom right.

Years listed for Calendars H to N are in simpler lists.

The tables scope covers 140 years from 2001 to 2140. A larger image can be seen by selecting (clicking on) the table.

Remember: Leap Years are those with an extra day at the end of February. These are years when the number made by the last two digits of the year can be divided by 4. By this rule the years at the turn of each century would be a Leap Year, but they have a different rule. That rule says they are only Leap Years if they can be exactly divided by 400, like the millennium year 2000 and the year 2400 which can, but not the years 2100, 2200, and 2300 which can’t. Similarly the millennium year 3000 can’t be divided exactly by 400.

NOTE: By those rules year 2100 is NOT a Leap Year.

Table Showing The Years Portrayed by Fourteen Calendars A-N

This table covers the years from 2001 to 2140.

Viewing or Printing A Calendar For Any Year

If you want to view or print a calendar you may need to install a Portable Document Format (PDF) file reader browser add-on. However you might find your browser can deal with PDF files regardless.

Installing A PDF File Reader Browser Add-on

A browser add-on for viewing PDF files may need to be installed on your computing device. You can get Adobe Reader DC for Microsoft Windows PC’s and maybe for Mac’s from Adobe by following the link from the web logo below:

WARNING: Be careful to uncheck (untick) any premade selection for other applications offered for download by Adobe unless you DO want to install them too.

Then to view or print a calendar:

  1. Find your year in the Table Showing The Years Portrayed by Fourteen Calendars A-N above,
  2. Look along that years row to the left and find its letter in the 2nd column headed CAL,
  3. From the buttons below you can select a button A to N for your year to obtain the calendar you wish to view or print.

Each calendar has 6 pages in Portable Document Format (PDF) which will be displayed in your browser in another tab.

Download PDF Files Without A Dividing Line Between Months

For 365 Day Calendars Select A Button Below:


For 366 Day Leap Year Calendars Select A Button Below:


Download PDF Files With A Dividing Line Between Months

For 365 Day Calendars Select A Button Below:


For 366 Day Leap Year Calendars Select A Button Below:


Printing Method 1

You may be able to print the six pages to your satisfaction straight from your browser. You need to be proficient in using both your printer and browser to get a good result.

I am currently using Microsoft Edge (browser). That will do it but it shrinks the pages a little so that the white calendar border is kept unnecessarily within my printer’s margins. (My printer is an HP Photosmart B8350.)

Printing Method 2

By right clicking the browser view of the PDF in Edge I can select the option to Save the PDF to disk. I can then view it using Adobe Reader DC. That gives access to my printer options so that I can make borderless prints and choose the paper size (A3 or A4).

Printing advice when using Adobe Reader & Internet Explorer

If you do use Adobe Reader and use Internet Explorer but can’t find a toolbar from which to print, just move the pointer down to the bottom centre of the browser and a transparent floating toolbar should appear like this:

Fourteen Calendar Table

Look for the printer logo (2nd from the left) on that toolbar.

Select (click) on the Adobe logo at the right end of the toolbar and a permanent Adobe Reader toolbar will appear at the top of the page. Alternatively select print from the browser tools. You may get the same functionality.

When Print is selected you will get the opportunity to adjust your printer settings.

If you do have an A3 printer you will have to choose which size paper you are actually going to print on so familiarity with your own printer and its settings will be required. I advise you print one page to begin with and check it is how you want it. If possible set your printer to print to the edge of the paper with no margin to get the maximum size calendar.

Using Older Printers

If you have an older type of printer which isn’t capable of printing to the edge of the paper it will print within some margins. Within the printer settings these margins can usually be adjusted. So adjust them to their minimum settings, e.g.:

  • Top Margin = 3mm
  • Left Margin = 3mm
  • Right Margin = 3mm
  • Bottom Margin <= 15mm

Print The Top Of The Page First

Make the most out of the wasted paper which is the bottom margin. Many printers create a bottom margin as they hang onto the end of the paper as it comes out of the printer. This enables them to maintain control of the paper as they print the last lines.

Do this by rotating the image before printing so that the top edge of the calendar, which will be stapled, is formed by the bottom margin.

Rotating The Image

When the calendar is being viewed in the browser use the rotating tools within the PDF Reader to rotate the image through 180º, so that it is upside down. Then it may be possible to print so that all the printer margins fall within the white border of the calendar. Under these circumstances the bottom of the calendar will come out of the printer first and the top of the calendar, where the largest white border on the calendar is required, will be printed last at the bottom of the page where the deepest printer margin is.

With any luck the whole calendar will get printed without any part getting truncated by the printer margins. This will put the 15mm margin at the top of the calendar where it has to be stapled and have holes punched in it.

After Printing

I have formatted the header of each month so that there is space to the right of the month name to manually write the year number if required. I’m sure it’s only necessary to write the year on January’s page just to distinguish one year’s calendar from another when there is more than one lying about.

NOTE: The appropriate calendar reference letter is printed on each page to the far right of the month.


  1. Fourteen Different Calendars.


  1. Leap Year – Wikipedia
  2. Print A Long Thin Calendar for Any YearHC Blog Post


2 responses to “Fourteen Calendar Table”

  1. Bob avatar

    “That rule says they are not Leap years except at a millennium, like the year 2000, when they are treated as a Leap Year.” is not quite correct. Centuries are not leap years *unless* they are divisible by 400, which 2000 was. So, 2100 will not be a leap year, but 2400 will.

    1. Helpful Colin avatar

      Thank you Bob,
      Point taken.
      I have amended my post. Please re-check.
      Kind regards, Colin.

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