Category: Mammals
Dog Fouling Statistics
Preface This post just brings to light matters which become obvious when calculations are made regarding the number of deposits dogs can make in their lifetimes. It doesn’t discuss dog fouling statistics regarding quantity as would be expected if weight measurements had been taken.
Give Dog Tablets Wrapped In Pastrami
Introduction If you have ever tried to give medicine to an animal you’ll appreciate how hard it can be to give dog tablets to a dog. Our dog Leo (a Border Collie) is required to take two worming tablets every three months. These are large as tablets go. Large enough to be shaped like a bone.…
Pine Martens Are Saving The Red Squirrel
Introduction I found an article in The Telegraph entitled, “Red squirrels are fighting back against the greys, experts claim.” The article implies Pine Martens are saving the red squirrel as much as a grey squirrel trapping program is. The trapping program was introduced to reduce the grey population and give the reds a chance of survival. The…
Northumberland Wildlife – Red Squirrel Included
Introduction There was plenty of Northumberland wildlife – Red Squirrel included – near Doxford Cottages this May (2012). I have seen the following within 6m of my living room: Brown Rat, Red Squirrel, male & female Great Spotted Woodpecker, male & female Chaffinch, male Robin, Blue tit, Coal Tit, Great Tit, Green-finch, Nuthatch, Wood Pigeon, Crow, Rook,…
Visiting Market Bosworth
Introduction Most of the pictures here were taken on our first visit to Market Bosworth in 2012. We have retuned several times since and will continue to do so because it is such a charming English town in the county of Leicestershire. You can see its relative location on the maps below, surrounded by Loughborough,…
Bonobo Chimp Lights Fire and Cooks On It
Bonobo Chimp Lights Fire! Kanzi a Bonobo chimp lights fire AND cooks on it! Isn’t it amazing what apes can do these days. I’d like to see a video. Click here to see still photos of Kanzi, the Bonobo chimp, on the Telegraph website. I particularly liked this comment on photo 10 “An old Congolese tribal legend…