Category: Amusement
Flash Mob Opened New Forecourt at Derby Train Station
The Flash Mob Danced on The New Forecourt On 16th April 2013 Derby celebrated by way of dance to an appropriate tune “The Loco-Motion”. The dance was performed by a Flash Mob at the opening of the new Derby Train Station Forecourt. This happened after months of disruption and a lot of money spent. See the short portion…
Dry Ice In Water
Observing The Reaction Of Dry Ice In Water I always wanted to try this (put dry ice in water) and last year I got the opportunity. When I bought some meat from Donald Russell it was delivered packed in dry ice. Dry Ice is frozen CO2 i.e. solid carbon dioxide. This dry ice was used to…
Google’s Employment Applicant’s Hourglass Problem
Ref: March 2012 issue of Wired magazine. It seems the Google job interview process requires a problem to be solved. I’ll take this hourglass problem, “Using only a four-minute hourglass and a seven-minute hourglass, measure exactly nine minutes.” Solution Principle: Use one hourglass to measure out a smaller amount of time on the other hourglass. Repeat until…
iPad Survives Undamaged After Extreme Fall
Introduction It’s becoming quite popular to send cameras up to the edge of space for one reason or another. This is one of the latest which an iPad survives undamaged. See How An iPad Survives Undamaged After An Extreme Fall. NOTE: The article quotes, “….with the blackness of space and the bright curve of Earth providing a…
How many times can you fold paper? How about 13?
Students Attempt To Fold Paper 13 Times Doesn’t paper folded enough times create a stack that reaches to the moon? Well it doesn’t here. However you would need a suitcase to carry it around if you wanted to protect yourself against being taken short. (It is toilet paper after all.) The students at St. Mark’s School…
Stig of Bus Drivers In Saltburn-By-The-Sea
Stig of Bus Drivers Controls The X4 This must be the Stig of bus drivers getting his bus up this steep hill in one go without sliding all over the place. He did it in these snowy winter conditions on 9th November 2010. This is miraculous driving of the X4 service single deck bus shown here going up…
iPods Magically Used In A TED Lecture
The Magic of Truth & Lies on iPods From Marco Tempest This video shows Marco Tempest conjuring with three iPods. He does it synchronised with the images on their screens to make it look as if those images move from one phone’s screen to another. Occasionally he introduces some real artefacts into the process so it…